Wednesday 28 January 2015

Important Vitamin for Women

Important Vitamin for Women
Important Vitamin for Women
The desire of most women is to get probably the most out of the only life we’ve been given. Raising children, dealing using the demands of home, work and meeting the needs of so many within our circle of responsibility, may leave us drained, as well as depleted of vitamins that help our overall system do its best to function in top importance.
Women have unique nutritional needs because of the ways by which their bodies function. These nutritional needs change, with respect to the woman's age. If they are trying to start a family, they'll require different vitamins and minerals than women who are dealing with menopause. Whatever life stage you are at, your body may benefit from the wide variety of vitamins and minerals that help your body function in an optimal level.
Iron is essential for transporting oxygen to organs and tissues through the body. It is also vital for the manufacture of red blood cells, aiding the immune system and cognitive development. If your iron levels become depleted, you will discover yourself feeling fatigued even if performing non-strenuous activities. Menstruation depletes your body’s iron, so during this time it's important to eat iron-rich foods or take a daily supplement. Sources of iron include leafy, green vegetables, fortified cereals, fish, turkey, chicken and legumes.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is one more leading vitamin for women's weight loss. If you have adequate vitamin D inside your body obtained from your diet and sunshine, you tend to be more possible to lose weight and stomach fat by consuming a low-calorie diet. A supplement of 400 IU every day, but your physician can do a blood examination to ensure if you have an insufficiency of vitamin D and, if that's the case, how much you exactly require to make up for the shortage.
Vitamin E
The antioxidant Vitamin E is ideal for your skin, so most women will want to ensure they're getting their quota to promote a healthy, smooth complexion that glows. Vitamin E also helps protect cells from damage, boosts your immune system and could prevent some chronic diseases. Sources include wheatgerm, nuts like almonds, sunflower seeds, spinach and avocado.
Folate accounts for the production of new cells, keeping the nervous system healthy and maintaining balanced emotional and mental health. If your folate levels are low you may become anemic. Insufficient folate during pregnancy can lead to birth defects such as neural tube defects. Sources include legumes, fruits, green, leafy vegetables, and fortified cereal.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C helps using the healthy development and repair of bones, teeth and body tissue. Additionally, it contributes to the production of a protein referred to as collagen, which is vital for the formation of tendons, ligaments, skin, cartilage, and blood vessels. Additionally, it has powerful antioxidant properties so it helps reduce the damage caused by free radicals. Depleted levels of this vitamin can cause dry hair and skin, impaired immune function, and slow wound-healing. Sources include citrus fruits, broccoli, red peppers, and kiwi fruit.
You need calcium to maintain healthy bones and teeth throughout your life. It also helps with muscle contractions and secretion of hormones. If your body falls short of this mineral you will be at risk for the bone disease osteoporosis, where the bones become brittle and very fragile. Natural sources of calcium include: cheese, milk, yogurt and dark-green, leafy vegetables.

Monday 22 December 2014

Everything About Eggs Nutrition Facts

Eggs Nutrition
Eggs Nutrition
Eggs, rich in high-quality protein, are a nutritious and inexpensive meat substitute. For a lot of of you, your day begins after you have eaten eggs in all forms for breakfast. It is a very good source of low-cost protein. Along with the proteins, there are a variety of other nutrients, which can be derived from eggs. As a matter of fact, it is seen, that people eating eggs regularly, may have less chances of suffering from some kind of nutrient deficiency. We will now find out about eggs nutrition facts in hard-boiled as well as raw eggs.

Low in calories, they great when alone or used inside a wide variety of recipes, such as sauces and baked goods. This versatile food, once shunned for his or her high cholesterol content, can make up part of a healthy diet for many individuals. In addition to protein, eggs provide vitamins and minerals essential for optimal health.

Eggs And Health

Eggs are nutrient dense and fit inside a balanced and healthy diet whether you’re eating them for breakfast, lunch, dinner or perhaps as a snack. To find out more about the health benefits of eggs, explore this section for information on nutrition, egg consumption and cholesterol and just how eggs can fit into an active lifestyle.

Nutritional Information About Hard-Boiled Eggs

Based on the caloric ratio pyramid, a hard-boiled egg has 3% carbohydrates, 35% proteins and 62% fats. Let's read about the nutritional value of eggs. A quick note: The %DV within the table stands for % Daily Value. It is the daily value necessary for a child above 4 years or adults, based on 2000 calories needed in a day. The values given here have to do with the amount of nutrition that is needed per day per individual and never the whole percentage of nutrients present in 1 large hard-boiled egg.

Nutritional Information About Raw Eggs

Now that we have seen the nutrition facts for eggs which are hard-boiled, let's move over to the nutrition facts of raw eggs. Before that the quick look at the caloric ratio pyramid. In a raw egg, the carbohydrates amount to 2%, proteins - 35% and fats - 63%. Like we've mentioned previously the %DV in the table means % Daily Value. It is daily value required for a child above 4 years or adults based on 2000 calories needed in a day.

Protein Quality

Egg protein serves as a standard protein source. Actually, it's such a great source that it sets the conventional to which other protein sources are compared. Egg-white protein is called egg albumin and is often used by athletes and bodybuilders in powdered supplement form. Egg protein has a score of 100 on the biological value index, meaning it has all of the essential amino acids, and has a perfect score of 1.0 on the Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Index. These indexes measure a protein's completeness and quality.


The content of those antioxidants in an egg yolk varies and is determined by the hen's diet, however, it has been reported that the body's ability to utilize the lutein and zeaxanthin in egg yolks is preferable to that found in leafy greens, such as spinach. Eating 1.3 egg yolks daily increases blood lutein and zeaxanthin levels significantly. These antioxidants promote eye health and people with increased blood levels experience lower rates of developing age-related macular degeneration.
Eggs Nutrition Facts
Eggs Nutrition Facts

B Vitamins

Eggs provide vitamin B2, or riboflavin, and vitamin B12, or cobalamin. One large egg provides 0.25 mg of riboflavin, meeting 15 % of the recommended daily value for this nutrient as well as 0.6 mcg of vitamin B12, or nearly 10 percent of the recommended daily value. Riboflavin, like other B vitamins, plays a part in energy metabolism, or wearing down the foods you eat into energy your cells can use. Vitamin B12, found almost solely in animal foods, helps you are making genetic material, or DNA, as well as red blood cells. All of the B vitamins are important for promoting a healthy nervous system.

Saturday 6 December 2014

Daily Routine Plan For Teen Girls To Get A Flat Stomach

Teen girls feel a lot of pressure to have the perfect body, including their stomachs. There is a lot of bad advice out there about losing weight quickly and easily, some of which is dangerous. Most of these "quick fixes" result in regaining the weight after the program is finished. Knowing the safest and healthiest ways to get a flat stomach is essential if you want lasting results.

The problem of belly fat is not only unappealing but it is also not a healthy sign among teenagers. Generally, along with the belly fat, teenage girls tend to gain weight overall and this is very unhealthy as it can make them more lethargic and can create health problems for them.

Chew your food

Chewing is a very important thing to remember. It prevents bloating and helps you to digest your food much easier. You need to chew your food until it is the consistency of applesauce. Without proper chewing, digestion is messed up and you will most likely be left with gas and bloating.

Don't Eat Too Fast.

Eating quickly and not chewing your food well can cause air swallowing that leads to bloating. So slow down and enjoy your food. Your meals should last at least 30 minutes. Also, keep in mind that digestion begins in the mouth and you can decrease bloating just by chewing your food more. There's another benefit to slowing things down. When you take your time to thoroughly chew and taste your food, your snack or meal becomes more satisfying. And studies have shown that if you eat more slowly, you may end up eating less.

Avoid the whites

Are you eating mostly whites such as white pasta and white bread? If so, you're going to be bloated. This time, you'll stay that way. These are refined carbs; they automatically spike blood sugar and slow metabolism. And that means bloating, bloating, and more bloating!

Improve your posture

Believe it or not, standing up straight can make you look up to 5 pounds slimmer. Poor posture can make you appear slouchy and shorter. Yoga and pilates are one of the best ways to help improve your posture, strengthen your abs and strengthen your back muscles. After time, you'll start to look longer and leaner.

Eat Smaller Meals More Often

Instead of three big meals per day, try eating smaller meals more often. This can keep you free of the bloated feeling that often follows large meals. Eating more frequently can also help control blood sugar and manage hunger. So go for five to six small meals each day, but make sure the quantity of food and calories are proportionate to your needs. To create a daily meal plan that includes the recommended amounts of all major nutrients.

Tighten your tummy

Tightening your stomach throughout the day helps work out your abdominal muscles. Think kegels but for your tummy! Make sure to suck in your stomach whenever you're doing pilates, yoga or lifting weight. Slouching during exercise can weaken your ab muscles.

Saturday 2 August 2014

Outdoor Games For Kids

Luring kids outside isn't easy when so many electronic options beckon indoors. The next time you’re struggling to pry your kids away from the screen, cause them to become get up and moving and to stay active. invite these to play one of these fun outdoor games.

It can sometimes be difficult to get the kids motivated to get these to play outside, but not if you have a few games in your mind. Make it funny, exciting, active and hilarious with different races, relays, ball and water games. Playing together is extremely important and a good lesson in social skills and being active and outdoors can also be very healthy.

Flashlight Tag

Best played following the sun goes down, flashlight tag is the perfect outdoor game for late-night birthday or block parties. One player is designated "it" and is offered a flashlight. The other players hide. When "it" finds a concealed player, he shines the light on the hider and the hider then becomes "it." The initial "it" then hides, and the game continues.

DIY Town

Imagine that your yard (or even the park or any outdoor space) is really a city or town. Bushes turns into storefronts, sidewalks into roads, leaves and sticks into currency, relating to this easy game that encourages thinking outside this area.

Driveway Baseball

This game uses chalk to create a “baseball field”. Your balls are flat stones or beanbags that are tossed to the chalk field. The rules are a little complex with this particular game so it may be easier for that five and up set.

Capture the flag

Divide your players into two teams, and decide on your territories; ideally you’ll both have trees or bushes to cover behind. Each team must placed their flag somewhere in their own territory, so it’s visible towards the opposing team. The aim is to sneak into your enemy’s camp, seize their flag, and go back to your base without getting tagged. If you’re tagged, you’re make the enemy’s ‘jail’ area, and can only be freed through getting tagged by one of your own players.

Frisbee Tower

Purchase a bunch of mini Frisbees and place them inside a pile in the middle of the yard. Have your guests divide the Frisbees among themselves. The very first player begins the activity by putting one of his or her Frisbees on the ground. Each of the following players places his or her Frisbee on top of the first Frisbee, and the action continues until someone causes the growing tower to topple.

Saturday 26 July 2014

Healthy Snacks for Kids to Stay Healthy

Healthy Snacks
Healthy Snacks
Healthy snacks are as important to your child’s growth and development as healthy meals. After some planning, you can provide nutritious snacks to kids effortlessly. Simply take some fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables and a few other ingredients and you may whip up a healthy snack in no time at all. Planning a healthy diet for children is important because children are often reliant on the guidance of their parents to be aware what to eat. Because a child's body continues to be growing and developing, proper nutrition is of the utmost importance.

The important thing would be to provide children with nutritious snacks that don’t undermine our primary objective of keeping them healthy and fit. Avoid foods which are fried, processed, too oily or too salty. And, definitely keep sugar to some minimum. If your child eats healthy snacks from the beginning, they’ll likely continue to make good food choices in their lives.
In addition to planning healthy and well-balanced meals, parents should also provide their children with healthy snacks.


The protein within this kid-friendly snack keeps energy levels high until dinnertime. We love to to stick salt-free pretzel sticks into cubes of low-fat cheese to create "satellite snacks," but you can also make cheese more interesting to kids foods by performing into fun shapes having a cookie cutter and making kabobs with your favorite fruit.


This one is a reasonably easy sell, even with younger children, while offering lots of bone-building calcium and digestion-aiding probiotics. Instead of sugary “fruit” yogurts offered at the store, make your own by blending fresh or frozen fruit with low-fat regular or Greek yogurt. Passionfruit, mango and other local fruits work particularly well. You’ll save an awful lot of empty calories and add vitamins and nutrients.

Fresh fruit

Nothing's much better than fresh fruit: It's colorful, sweet and juicy, full of vitamins and minerals, and full of fiber. Serve sliced apple, orange sections, half a sliced banana, or perhaps a small bowl of sliced grapes, or give your child a number of mixed berries. Toddlers love finger food, causing this to be an easy and fun way to have a nutritious snack.

Peanut Butter

This versatile childhood favorite has lots of protein and fiber. For a change, try making silly sandwiches with toasted mini waffles or rice cakes rather than bread, or try it with yogurt and raspberries inside a yummy frozen treat that's super fun to consume.

Frozen Fruit

The simple act of popping fruit within the freezer for a few hours transforms this nutritious staple right into a sweet, tasty treat that’s perfect for steamy weather. Watermelon, banana and grapes all freeze exceptionally well. For any slightly more decadent dessert, freeze whole peeled bananas, then dip them in melted chocolate and sprinkle all of them with crushed almonds. Think of it as a lighter alternative to ice cream bars.


Scrambled eggs take just a few minutes. Try adding turkey and cheese, or mix in salsa and wrap inside a tortilla for a burrito. Make hard-cooked eggs on the weekend and store them within the fridge for weekday snacks.

Nuts/Nut Butters

Although high in calories, nuts provide a variety of essential nutrients for growing brains and bodies. All nuts are relatively high in fiber, protein and beneficial unsaturated fats, but some possess a few extra perks. Walnuts have high levels of the omega-3 fatty acids necessary for cognitive development. Cashews are high in zinc and other trace elements. Pecans have antioxidant levels which are off the charts. Keep a variety on hand to ensure that your children have a salty snack to munch rather than processed chips.
Healthy Snacks for Kids
Healthy Snacks for Kids


Popcorn gets a bad reputation because of all the stale movie theater versions dripping with partially hydrogenated fake butter. When prepared at home though, this kid-friendly snack is really surprisingly wholesome. It’s high in fiber and has a minimal caloric density. Use an air-popper or even the microwave, then drizzle the popped kernels having a small amount of olive oil or melted butter and salt.

Saturday 31 May 2014

Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

Nuts and seeds make up part of a healthy and balanced diet. Pumpkin seeds, also called pepitas, boost your intake of several essential nutrients. While both raw and roasted pumpkin seeds offer health benefits, raw pumpkin seeds offer more nutritional value because some nutrients are destroyed during the roasting process. Adding a few tablespoons of pumpkin seeds into a salad or in a trail mix with nuts and dried fruits is a really easy way to incorporate these tasty seeds that are also really good for you into your diet.

Pumpkin seeds can be boiled, baked or eaten raw. They are low-calorie, high-nutritive snacks and can help improve various physical conditions including prostate and bladder problems, as well as depression.

Maintains prostate heath

Since ages, pumpkin seeds have been considered as an important natural food for men's health. Due to their high zinc content, which is important for prostate health (where it is found in the highest concentrations in the body), research suggests that both pumpkin seed oil and pumpkin seeds may be particularly beneficial in supporting prostate health as well as treating benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Depression Treatment

Depression can be caused by a chemical imbalance. A chemical that the body makes from tryptophan called 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) regulates behavior. It can have a positive effect on sleep, anxiety, mood, appetite and pain, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. For mild to moderate depression, 5-HTP can be an effective treatment.

Rich in B Vitamins

Pumpkin kernels are also excellent source of B-complex group of vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6 and folate. B vitamins are really important for metabolising energy, and if you are a busy person with a lot of stress, you want to ensure you are getting enough vitamin B. Pumpkin healthy seeds are better than any vitamin pill!

For a good heart

A quarter cup of pumpkin seeds contains nearly half of the recommended daily amount of magnesium that is essential for your heart formation and maintanence. It helps control your blood pressure and prevent sudden cardiac arrest, heart attack, and stroke.

Improves immune system

A rich source of zinc, pumpkin seeds help to regulate the immune system and decrease the risk of viral infections like cold and flu, chronic fatigue, depression, among others.

Rich Iron Source

Iron is often associated with red meat, but pumpkin seeds are an awesome way for vegans to get iron. Just one serving (30 grams) of pumpkin seeds will provide 20-30% of the recommended daily allowance of iron. It is really important to get enough iron so that your body can make new red blood cells, and too little iron can lead to anaemia. So get munching on pumpkin seeds to increase the iron levels in your system.

Reduces risk of diabetes

According to research, pumpkin seeds may help in improving insulin regulation, thereby preventing diabetic complications by decreasing oxidative stress.

Regulate sleep

Having pumpkin seeds a few hours before bed, along with a small piece of fruit, is especially beneficial as it provides your body the tryptophan needed for your melatonin and serotonin production to help promote a restful night's sleep.

Monday 26 May 2014

Treadmill Workouts to Lose Weight

Treadmills are a great piece of equipment for your cardio workouts. Regardless of whether you use your treadmill at home or at the gym, you will find the perfect means to do your cardio and burn calories, regardless of the weather. Regular use of a treadmill can help you burn from the fat and get a flat stomach. Treadmill workouts for weight loss are a great addition to your weekly fitness routine.

For all those wanting to drop extra pounds and decrease belly fat in the comforts of their home, use of treadmills is really a good option. Running or walking in outside everyday, is most of the time not convenient, especially during cold climatic conditions. In such instances, a treadmill comes in handy for losing weight.


There isn't any truth about the belief that walking doesn’t assist in burning fat because as a matter of fact, walking briskly on the regular basis allows a person to lose weight much faster than he/she would when jogging. Speed walking on the treadmill is one of the best treadmill workouts that you can do at home-say, you hide 4 miles per hour but just spend 30 minutes for speed walking if you find the workout too stressful for your joints. For speed walking on a treadmill very seriously, there’s no reason the reason why you won’t lose significant amount of weight at a lesser time.

Starting Out

To include exercise in your daily routine, it’s essential to awaken early in the morning. Try to get up at least half an early from your normal “getting up” time. For instance, if you get up at 7 AM, try to get up latest by 6:30 AM to include the morning treadmill workout in your routine. The workout can be best started with a slow five-minute walk or some stretching. This sets a dark tone for the major workout.

Beginning Workout

If you’re new to this kind of workout or if you are resuming workout following a long hiatus, start slow. There’s no reason in rushing through things. It might be day-dreaming to think that you would be able to reduce 15 kilos by exercising for a week. Start with two minutes of fast-paced jogging, alternating with two minutes of slow-paced walking.


Apart from walking, you can also do running-one of the best options of treadmill workouts to lose weight that burn calories in a rapid rate. If you find it dangerous to operate outdoors, you can always run on a treadmill because the benefits are just the same anyway. Treadmills possess a feature that allows you to adjust the speed of the platform so that as far as duration is worried, you have to run for around 30 minutes at 6 miles per hour speed so you would notice rapid burning of calories.