Saturday 2 August 2014

Outdoor Games For Kids

Luring kids outside isn't easy when so many electronic options beckon indoors. The next time you’re struggling to pry your kids away from the screen, cause them to become get up and moving and to stay active. invite these to play one of these fun outdoor games.

It can sometimes be difficult to get the kids motivated to get these to play outside, but not if you have a few games in your mind. Make it funny, exciting, active and hilarious with different races, relays, ball and water games. Playing together is extremely important and a good lesson in social skills and being active and outdoors can also be very healthy.

Flashlight Tag

Best played following the sun goes down, flashlight tag is the perfect outdoor game for late-night birthday or block parties. One player is designated "it" and is offered a flashlight. The other players hide. When "it" finds a concealed player, he shines the light on the hider and the hider then becomes "it." The initial "it" then hides, and the game continues.

DIY Town

Imagine that your yard (or even the park or any outdoor space) is really a city or town. Bushes turns into storefronts, sidewalks into roads, leaves and sticks into currency, relating to this easy game that encourages thinking outside this area.

Driveway Baseball

This game uses chalk to create a “baseball field”. Your balls are flat stones or beanbags that are tossed to the chalk field. The rules are a little complex with this particular game so it may be easier for that five and up set.

Capture the flag

Divide your players into two teams, and decide on your territories; ideally you’ll both have trees or bushes to cover behind. Each team must placed their flag somewhere in their own territory, so it’s visible towards the opposing team. The aim is to sneak into your enemy’s camp, seize their flag, and go back to your base without getting tagged. If you’re tagged, you’re make the enemy’s ‘jail’ area, and can only be freed through getting tagged by one of your own players.

Frisbee Tower

Purchase a bunch of mini Frisbees and place them inside a pile in the middle of the yard. Have your guests divide the Frisbees among themselves. The very first player begins the activity by putting one of his or her Frisbees on the ground. Each of the following players places his or her Frisbee on top of the first Frisbee, and the action continues until someone causes the growing tower to topple.

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